Favourite Childhood Movies Tag


Hello, everyone! 😃

Thanks for taking the time to join me today! Today I am doing the Favourite Childhood Movies Tag! I was nominated by Gracie for this tag, thank you so much! I appreciate your nomination and am really excited to do this tag, so let’s get started!



1) Share 5 movies from your childhood.

2) Do a mini write-up about what made this movie special to you as a child. (optional)

3) Acknowledge the person who tagged you and link it back to their blog.

4) Tag 5 or more bloggers to take up the challenge if they choose.




#1 – Franklin


Lol, yes, it’s true. 🤦‍♂️ I watched hours of Franklin when I was younger with my brothers. We had them on VHS, yeah,.. a long time ago.


#2 – Baby Einstein 🤦‍♂️


OK, maybe this is more of a baby memory, but I still remember watching a lot of these! They were my favourite, and I watched them and over again!


#3 – Mighty Machines


Oh, my. I’ve seen a lot of these as well. Mighty Machines is a show that shows the work of all different kinds of machines, planes, boats, trucks, tractors, excavators, cranes, trains, you name it! It’s a kid’s show, all the machines talk to each other. 😂


#4 – Spunky’s Camping Adventure






I would watch this movie at my Oma’s almost every time I went to visit her! We used to go there for sleepovers, and watching Spunky was just a tradition.









#5 – Zoboomafoo


Another tradition when I was younger. We would watch this on TV in the afternoon at 2:00. I still have the theme song stuck in my head, I don’t think it will ever go away. 🤣









And… Anyone who hasn’t yet done this tag who would like to! Don’t feel pressured to do this tag. If you do choose to do it, though, you’ll have a blast, it is a ton of fun! 

There you have it! 5 movies that I remember from my childhood! Some were more shows or series rather than particular movies because I’d seen many movies from a particular show. Thanks again to Gracie for nominating me! This tag was SO much fun!





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31 thoughts on “Favourite Childhood Movies Tag

  1. Lizzy says:

    Oh, gosh!! Yesss! Franklin!! And VHS tapes, thank goodness our generation will still remember them!! 😜😜😂 My little bro watches Mighty Machines so I’ve watched like all of them! 🚛 😝 I also watched a couple Baby Einstein VHS tapes when I was younger! Thanks for the nomination!! 😊

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  2. Maggie says:

    Thanks so much for tagging me in this, Brad! I loved reading this 😀 My brother grew up watching Baby Einstein (as have the rest of my younger siblings now … hahaha), so I know way more classical music than I would have preferred! And I loved watching Franklin as a kid 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Stefan says:

    Oh my God, Brad! Congratulations bro! I didn’t know you had nominated me. Sorry about that😊. Been doing a lot of studying and had so little time to check out wordpress posts. I’ll get to that as soon as I can. . Being from India, the movies here on TV are so different so I didn’t recognize them. But I’ve always loved movies for kids and this was a fun read. 😁😁😁

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