| Sunshine Blogger Award |


My friend Gracie from Through the Eyes of Gracie did the Sunshine Blogger Award and nominated everyone! So, I decided to enter! If you haven’t yet checked out her blog, head on over! It’s an awesome blog about photography, crafts, and life 🙂




  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate new blogs to receive the award and compose new questions for them to answer.
  • List the rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post/or on your blog.





What is your favourite blog and why?

Oh, my. How shall I answer this…I have been inspired by so many blogs, I can’t say I have a favourite, but one that has really stood out to me and inspired me is Maggie’s blog:

Dreaming of Guatemala


How did you feel when you got your first follower?

I was very excited! It was very cool, though I was very eager to get a few more. 😉


Has blogging made you a better person in some way?

Yes, it is very fun to meet new bloggers and to find out what interests them. It is something that I can focus on and enjoy and I have a lot of fun doing it! I also learn better writing skills!


If someone told you that you could only make 5 more posts on your blog what would you write about?

Hmm…that is hard. I would be quite sad since I am loving blogging, but I would post some things that are important to me in life and that I think others would enjoy and find valuable and thank everybody for their support.


If you didn’t blog what would you use that spare time doing?

I would spend more time exploring the world of Real Estate, online shopping, listening to Adventures in Odyssey, or preparing for my future!!! That is something I love doing 😊


What do you hope your followers will gain from reading your blog?

INSPIRATION. I want all my followers to be inspired in life by what I post and I love sharing with them ways that I find make life just a little bit better!


I think blogging has therapeutic qualities, do you?

Yes, I would say so. It is so rewarding when you see how your posts inspire and help others! Even though it can be stressful to fit it into my schedule at times, I always make it work! It has become a priority for me.



Gracie – Through the Eyes of Gracie

Lizzy – Learning to Live, Struggling to Thrive

Maggie – Dreaming of Guatemala

Maddie – Maddie’s Digital Diary



What inspired you to start blogging?

How long have you been blogging?

What do you want to do with your life?

Have you ever met a blogging friend face to face?

What do you enjoy most about blogging?

What are some of your hobbies?

What do you want people to take away from your blog?


Hope Y’all have fun!! 😃


Until Next time,


21 thoughts on “| Sunshine Blogger Award |

  1. Maggie says:

    Thanks for the nomination, Brad!! 😀 I enjoyed reading your answers. I also love blogging to inspire others – it makes all the work worth it! And I’m so happy I can inspire you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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